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Friday, September 26, 2014

Next Monday: WebRTC Webinars + WebRTC Report Published

Next Monday, 29th September, I'm participating in two webinars organised by Upperside Conferences, who also run the annual European WebRTC event in Paris in December. One is timed for Europe & Asia, the other for Europe (late) and the Americas.

Sign up HERE.

They're free, and they focus on the business implications of WebRTC for telcos and other service providers. I'll also be giving some background thoughts on trends in voice & video comms, as well as taking Q&A alongside Amir Zmora, my co-host and convener.

I'll review service provider innovation strategy, operational challenges and monetization opportunities. The two sessions will cover topics such as:
  • What WebRTC services have already been launched by telcos? What lessons can be learned?
  • Which group(s) within a carrier should be involved with WebRTC?
  • Should services be consumer-, enterprise- or developer-focused?
  • What are the benefits & downsides of WebRTC services integrated with existing offers/platforms, vs. new and standalone?
  • How should regulatory or competitive issues be considered?
  • Does WebRTC risk cannibalisation of existing revenue streams?

I'm also going to be (finally!) publishing my 2014 WebRTC report on Monday, as trailed in this blog post and this pre-launch description & contents page. As well as an update of the widely-used "devices supporting WebRTC" forecast, I'm also including estimates of the active user-base for telco, consumer web & enterprise WebRTC use-cases. It will, once again, be the most broad and comprehensive analysis of the WebRTC market, covering the whole industry from platform players to IoT/M2M. Watch this space for details, or contact information AT disruptive-analysis DOT com to pre-order.

Lastly, I'll be at a few other events in coming weeks if you want to talk about WebRTC, mobile broadband or other topics:

IIR Telecom APIs - London 7-9th October
The Hague Telecom - The Hague 15th October (covering mobile & smart cities)
Great Telco Debate - London 7th November 
TADSummit, Istanbul November 12-13
WebRTC Expo, Santa Clara, November 18-20 

I'm also doing a variety of in-house workshops & advisory projects for telcos & vendors on WebRTC at the moment. Please get in touch if you need external input for your planning or events / off-site strategy sessions.